Sovrano Militare Ordine
Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di
Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta

Pubblicazioni dell'Ordine di Malta

Ordre de Malte Luxembourg 2022

Ordre de Malte Luxembourg – Rapport d’Activité 2022

Ottobre 2023

Malteser in Deutschland – Jahresbericht 2023

Malteser in Deutschland – Jahresbericht 2023

Ottobre 2023

Malteser International – Annual Report 2022

Malteser International – Annual Report 2022

Luglio 2023

Ordre de Malte France – Rapport d’Activité 2022

Ordre de Malte France – Rapport d’Activité 2022

Giugno 2023

Order of Malta Relief Organization in Romania – Annual Report 2022

Order of Malta Relief Organization in Romania – Annual Report 2022

Maggio 2023

Order of Malta for Roma People – Leaving nobody behind

Order of Malta for Roma People – Leaving nobody behind

Marzo 2023

Malteser in Deutschland – Jahresbericht 2022

Malteser in Deutschland – Jahresbericht 2022

Novembre 2022

Malteser International – Annual Report 2021

Malteser International – Annual Report 2021

Luglio 2022

Federal Association – Activity Report 2021

Federal Association – Activity Report 2021

Giugno 2022