Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta


The Grand Chancellor visited the new premises of the Order’s Italian Relief Corps in Milan

The Grand Chancellor visited the new premises of the Order’s Italian Relief Corps in Milan

The Grand Chancellor of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Albrecht Boeselager, visited the new premises of the Order’s Italian Relief Corps – CISOM – in Milan, inaugurated last October. Some 30 volunteers were present, including doctors, health managers and team leaders. “Your work truly represents our Order’s mission,” said the Grand Chancellor, “combining as it does social assistance for the most vulnerable, like the homeless, with health services.

“Your ability to relate with the people you help makes you an eloquent example of the modus operandi of our volunteers,” added Albrecht Boeselager during his visit, also thanking the president and vice president of CISOM, Gerardo Solaro del Borgo and Maria Bonatti Mameli, for their hard work.

The Grand Chancellor then talked about the Order of Malta’s numerous international activities, stressing the growing efforts made in regions close to conflicts and following natural disasters.

Besides the operational offices, the new premises also house the Mobile Health Clinic as well as accommodation and classrooms for the over 220 volunteers enrolled in training courses in the Milan area.

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