Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta


State Visit of Parvanov, President of Bulgaria

State Visit of Parvanov, President of Bulgaria

‘At a time of growing insecurity at global level, of economic and financial crisis, the Order of Malta gives an example of extraordinary and admirable actions in favour of those who suffer, whether they be lepers in Africa or the victims of the devastating earthquake in Abruzzo.’ These were the words of the President of Bulgaria, Georgi Parvanov, to Grand Master Fra’ Matthew Festing during his State visit to the Order of Malta.

The President was accompanied by a delegation which, besides Mrs Parvanov, included the Minister of Culture Danailov and representatives of the Holy Synod and Bulgarian Episcopal Conference. After receiving military honours in the Piazzale del Cedro, the President spent time in conversation with the Grand Master.

During the meeting, President Parvanov thanked the Order for the important actions performed in Bulgaria, where ‘a large number of donations of indispensable medical equipment and supplies have been made to hospitals and health centres’. President Parvanov then stated that ‘throughout the vicissitudes of its ten centuries of history, the Order has never abandoned its main vocation of offering moral and material help to the sick, the poor and the most disadvantaged’.

The visit ended with a dinner in the gardens of the Magistral Villa, after which President Parvanov invited the Grand Master to Bulgaria.

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