Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta


Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean gives an award to Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem

Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean gives an award to Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem

The Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem, run by the Order of Malta, has received a prestigious award from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, an international organisation consisting of representatives of national parliaments of states on the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean.

During the 18th Plenary Assembly, held on 15 and 16 May in Braga, Portugal, Ambassador Alberto di Luca received the award for humanitarian or political actions in the 31 PAM member states on behalf of Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap and Grand Hospitaller Fra’ Alessandro de Franciscis.

“All those who are at the forefront in defending the right to health in an area of the world so seriously and increasingly affected by the conflict scenarios of recent months should be given credit,” said ambassador di Luca in his speech, during which he briefly summarized the most significant data of the Order of Malta’s presence in the world. “We are proudly a Catholic religious order, but when a woman asks for help for herself or her child, we react independently whether she is Muslim, Jewish, Christian or any other religion,” added the Ambassador, stressing the apolitical, neutral and independent nature of the Order of Malta’s work.

The Ambassador also presented the medal issued to celebrate the birth of the 100,000th child in the Bethlehem Hospital to the PAM President on behalf of the Order of Malta’s Ambassador to Palestine, Michele Bowe.

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