Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta



A year after the earthquake between Syria and Turkey more than 3 million people displaced

A year after the earthquake in the border region between Syria and Türkiye, more than three million people remain displaced, living in makeshift shelters or tents. In northwestern Syria, the…


Order of Malta High Offices at Funeral of Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia in Turin Cathedral

The Grand Master of the Order of Malta Fra’ John Dunlap and the Grand Chancellor Riccardo Paternò will participate in the funeral of Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia to be celebrated…


Monsignor Luis Manuel Cuña Ramos, Conventual Chaplain Grand Cross of the Order of Malta

Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap conferred the insignia of Conventual Chaplain Grand Cross ‘ad honorem’ on the Prelate of the Order of Malta Monsignor Luis Cuna Ramos. Present at the…


Order of Malta’s Hungarian Relief Service turns 35

Today, 4 February 2024, the Order of Malta’s Hungarian Relief Service is 35 years old. It is the main humanitarian organization in the country, providing social and health care to…


Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap receives delegation of bishops headed by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby

A summit of IARCCUM (International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission) was held in Rome, starting on January 22. Pairs of Anglican and Catholic bishops from 27 countries attended…


Audience with Holy Father opens final day of Order of Malta’s Ambassadors Conference

The third and final day of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta’s Ambassadors Conference opened this morning as the Holy Father received in private audience all the participating ambassadors.


Focus on artificial intelligence and humanitarian diplomacy on day two of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Ambassadors Conference

Second day of the Conference of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta’s Ambassadors, opening yesterday in the Magistral Villa.


Conference of Sovereign Military Order of Malta Ambassadors

Some 100 ambassadors of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta will converge on the Magistral Villa in Rome from tomorrow January 25 until Saturday 27 for a general Conference on…


Order of Malta’s Flag in International Space Station as part of Axiom Mission 3

Yesterday, the Axiom mission 3 left Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 10.49 pm Italian time to arrive at the International Space Station (ISS).  After a 36-hour journey, the crew will hook…