Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta


Countdown to the Italian Summer Camp for young people with disabilities


The last preparations are underway for the Order of Malta’s tenth Italian Summer Camp for young people with disabilities, to be held from 29 July to 3 August in Valva, in the province of Salerno. The disabled youths and volunteers – all under 35 – will be housed in the Order’s Villa d’Ayala Valva. “Your hands have made me and fashioned me” (Psalm 119:73) is the theme chosen for this important round-digit edition, which reminds us of the importance of affectionate gestures, of caresses and of hands reaching out especially to those in need.

There will be some 150 young women and men participating in the Italian camp, one of the many summer camps for the disabled organized by the Order of Malta’s volunteers worldwide.

In the wake of the experience of recent years, the Summer Camp Italy is self-financing through local fundraisers and donations from benefactors. Many initiatives have followed during the year.

As in the past, a transport system from the main cities to Valva will be organized to help guests travelling to the camp.
The Italian Association, together with the three national Grand Priories and the logistical support of the Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps’ volunteers, will organizing the week, with moments of play, prayer, excursions and above all a lot of human warmth.
“Participating in the Order of Malta’s summer camps is an unforgettable experience, both for our volunteers and for our young guests. It’s an initiative that has taken root over the years, expanding from Europe to other continents, and that continues to offer positive emotions in all those involved,” said Lorenzo Borghese, President of the Order of Malta’s Italian Association.

Preparations are also underway for the International Summer Camp for young people with disabilities, which has been held for over 40 years in a different European nation. The appointment this year is in Switzerland and Lichtenstein from 12 to 18 August.