Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta


A way out of the debt trap

A way out of the debt trap

The Order of Malta’s Hospitaller Service in Hungary (MMSZ) has set-up a programme, launched in April this year, to assist Hungarian families with escalating debts and little hope of financial relief. The Order of Malta’s project is supported by a European Union grant and provides assistance to two-hundred families by reorganising the management of their financial affairs in order to help them find a way out of their debt spiral.

Order of Malta volunteers mediate a dialogue between the debtor and the indebted party whilst providing independent guidance and advice, they work to obtain institutional support for the afflicted and reorganise former living conditions if necessary. The scheme aims to provide long-term solutions tailored to each indebted person. It has quickly expanded from its central office in Sásd, with a further four offices opening in the south of Hungary.

As those who are deeply in debt are not given substantial support from financial nor social welfare institutions, the Order’s support has become invaluable to them.