Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta



12th Order of Malta Asia Pacific Conference held in Seoul

The 12th Asia Pacific Conference of the Order of Malta was held in Seoul, South Korea between October 18 and 22. Over 50 representatives from National Associations, Delegations and Embassies of the Order of Malta across the two continents gathered to discuss


Interview with Order of Malta Ambassador to Palestine Michèle Bowe

Nearly two weeks after the outbreak of the Israeli-Hamas war. Ambassador Michèle Burke Bowe, Head of the Representative Office to the State of Palestine, gives an update on life in Bethlehem, where the Order of Malta runs the Holy Family Hospital

Diplomatic Activities

Order of Malta condemns attack against Hospital in Gaza City

The Sovereign Order of Malta condemns any attack against health care workers and facilities in any conflict or location.

Grand Master news

Order of Malta World Day celebrated in Italy and another ten countries

An opportunity to bring people closer to the Order of Malta by presenting the main activities and characteristics of the ancient Hospitaller Order founded in the Holy Land in 11th century.

Diplomatic Activities

Celebrating 75 Years of Diplomatic Relations with Republic of Panama

On 11 October, Grand Chancellor Riccardo Paternò di Montecupo received Panama’s Foreign Minister Janaina Tewaney Mencomo.

Grand Master news

Visit of the Grand Master to Portugal

From 6 to 10 October, the Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta Fra' John Dunlap visited Portugal.

Diplomatic Activities

Credentials presented by Monaco and Russia

The Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap received in audience in the Magistral Palace for the presentation of their Letters of Credence, the new Ambassadors of Monaco and Russia.

Diplomatic Activities

Grand Chancellor receives Costa Rican Foreign Minister

On 9 October, Grand Chancellor Riccardo Paternò di Montecupo received Arnaldo André Tinoco, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica, at the Magistral Palace.

Diplomatic Activities

Statement on the current violence in the Holy Land

The Sovereign Order of Malta expresses its deepest concern about the tragic events of the last few days in the Holy Land.