Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

Grand Master news

Diplomatic Activities
Grand Master news

Grand Master of Sovereign Order of Malta receives President of Paraguay on official visit

The Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Fra' John Dunlap, received today at the Magistral Palace the President of the Republic of Paraguay, Santiago Peña Palacios.

Grand Master news

Fra’ Roberto Viazzo takes an oath

In the church of Santa Maria on the Aventine in Rome, Fra' Roberto Viazzo was sworn in as the new Grand Prior of the Sovereign Order of Malta by the Grand Master Fra' John Dunlap.

Diplomatic Activities
Grand Master news

President Sergio Mattarella receives new Government of Sovereign Order of Malta on official visit

The delegation of the Sovereign Order of Malta, led by Grand Master Fra' John T. Dunlap, was received today on an official visit to the Quirinal Palace by the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella.

Grand Master news

Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap visits the Military Corps of the Order of Malta

The Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Fra' John Dunlap visited the Military Corps of the Association of Italian Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta on Saturday, 11 November.

Grand Master news

The traditional Loreto pilgrimage of the Order of Malta’s three Italian Grand Priories

Every year at the end of October, from all over Italy the Order of Malta’s members and volunteers come to Loreto, together with the Malades, to participate in the pilgrimage. Led by Grand Master Fra' John Dunlap, it took place from 27 to 29 October this year.

Grand Master news

Order of Malta World Day celebrated in Italy and another ten countries

An opportunity to bring people closer to the Order of Malta by presenting the main activities and characteristics of the ancient Hospitaller Order founded in the Holy Land in 11th century.

Grand Master news

Visit of the Grand Master to Portugal

From 6 to 10 October, the Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta Fra' John Dunlap visited Portugal.

Diplomatic Activities
Grand Master news

Credentials presented by Lithuania, Jordan, El Salvador, Kazakhstan

The Grand Master Fra’ John T. Dunlap received in audience in the Magistral Palace for the presentation of their Letters of Credence, the new Ambassadors of Lithuania, Jordan, El Salvador, Kazakhstan.

Grand Master news

Grand Master receives Collar of the Most Holy Annunciation

Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy presented Fra' John Dunlap, Grand Master of the Order of Malta, with the Collar of the Supreme Order of the Most Holy Annunciation.