Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta

Diplomatic Activities

Diplomatic Activities

Celebrating 75 Years of Diplomatic Relations with Republic of Panama

On 11 October, Grand Chancellor Riccardo Paternò di Montecupo received Panama’s Foreign Minister Janaina Tewaney Mencomo.

Diplomatic Activities

Credentials presented by Monaco and Russia

The Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap received in audience in the Magistral Palace for the presentation of their Letters of Credence, the new Ambassadors of Monaco and Russia.

Diplomatic Activities

Grand Chancellor receives Costa Rican Foreign Minister

On 9 October, Grand Chancellor Riccardo Paternò di Montecupo received Arnaldo André Tinoco, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica, at the Magistral Palace.

Diplomatic Activities

Statement on the current violence in the Holy Land

The Sovereign Order of Malta expresses its deepest concern about the tragic events of the last few days in the Holy Land.

Diplomatic Activities
Grand Master news

Credentials presented by Lithuania, Jordan, El Salvador, Kazakhstan

The Grand Master Fra’ John T. Dunlap received in audience in the Magistral Palace for the presentation of their Letters of Credence, the new Ambassadors of Lithuania, Jordan, El Salvador, Kazakhstan.

Diplomatic Activities

A full agenda of meetings for the Grand Chancellor at the United Nations

During his visit to the United Nations in New York for the opening session of the General Assembly, the Grand Chancellor, Riccardo Paternò di Montecupo, held a number of bilateral meetings.

Diplomatic Activities

The Grand Chancellor of the Order of Malta intervenes at the UN Security Council on Ukraine

The Grand Chancellor of the Order of Malta Riccardo Paternò delivered a statement in the Security Council of the United Nations in the open debate on Ukraine.

Diplomatic Activities

The Order of Malta announces the opening of diplomatic relations with the Republic of The Gambia

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta announces the opening of bilateral diplomatic relations with the Republic of The Gambia.

Diplomatic Activities

Joint statement of Grand Chancellor and Ambassador of Ukraine

The Grand Chancellor of the Order of Malta Riccardo Paternò di Montecupo received at the Magistral Palace Andrii Yurash Ambassador of Ukraine to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.