Sovrano Militare Ordine
Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di
Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta

Sui giornali

Reinventare il Mediterraneo: ambasciatori a confronto a Otranto

Agenzia Vatican News
Data 14/09/2018

Istituzioni, giornalisti e gli ambasciatori di Tunisia, Marocco, Giordania e Sovrano Ordine di Malta, dialogano oggi alla decima edizione del Festival Giornalisti del Mediterrraneo in corso a Otranto, su cooperazione…

Euro-Med forum Thursday in Otranto castle

Agenzia Ansa Med
Data 13/09/2018

A workshop will be held at 9 AM on Thursday in the Aragonese castle of Otranto entitled ‘Reinventing the Mediterranean: dialogue, challenges, and opportunities’. The workshop is part of the…

Messe-anniversaire du nouveau nonce apostolique, à l’intention du Centre de l’Ordre de Malte à Chabrouh

Agenzia L'Orient LE JOUR
Data 11/09/2018

Pour le 20e anniversaire du Centre de l’Ordre de Malte à Chabrouh (Faraya), une messe a été célébrée dimanche par le nouveau nonce apostolique au Liban, Mgr Joseph Spiteri, assisté…

Ordre de Malte-Fondation Résonance : voyage musical au pays de la souffrance

Agenzia L'Orient LE JOUR
Data 07/09/2018

Au fil des ans, l’ordre de Malte se distingue de plus en plus par son aspiration à toucher et à servir des personnes en souffrance de tous les milieux et…

Pregnant women due this weekend in Dublin advised to leave plenty of time for journeys across city

Agenzia The
Data 27/08/2018

Also today, the Order of Malta released its first aid requirements for the weekend’s event. It was also present at the event in 1979, and according to Commander Aoife Clarke,…

20 Maltese in yet another touching, inspiring project

Agenzia Times of Malta
Data 26/08/2018

The young volunteers of the Order of Malta hosted the 35th International Summer Camp for Young Disabled, which took place in Britain. This is a wonderful week, held each year…

Pope in Ireland: field hospital to be ‘best staffed emergency department in the country’

Agenzia The Irish Times
Data 24/08/2018

The Order of Malta’s said more than 550 volunteers would be working at papal events “not just here but in Knock as well”, made up from the Knights of Malta,…

The Order of Malta: Thousand year old institution, with global impact

Agenzia Rome Reports
Data 11/08/2018

The Order of Malta is one of the oldest institutions in the West. It was founded when Fray Gerardo Tum and some merchants from Amalfi opened a hospital in Jerusalem…

Cuatro personas en silla de ruedas completan el Camino de Santiago con la ayuda de 20 voluntarios de la Orden de Malta

Agenzia La Vanguardia
Data 10/08/2018

Un total de cuatro personas con discapacidad física han completado esta semana el Camino de Santiago, tras recorrer 115 kilómetros en sillas de ruedas todoterreno con la ayuda de veinte…