Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta



A reflective look at Malteser International’s humanitarian efforts over the last 60 years

This reflective look at Malteser International’s humanitarian efforts over the last 60 years provides a visual overview of some of the most recent response efforts in Syria, Haiti, Philippines and…


Religions Together for Humanitarian Action Symposium – summary report

Religions Together for Humanitarian Action summary report: on 27th May 2015 at the United Nations Geneva, representatives of four different faiths – Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Vedantism – as well…


Albrecht Boeselager keynote speech: Religions Together for Humanitarian Action

Albrecht Boeselager addresses the symposium Religions Together for Humanitarian Action (Reaching out to victims of armed conflicts: the special role of faith-based actors), held in the framework of the Order…


Amb. Stefano Ronca: Religions Together for Humanitarian Action

Order of Malta ambassador Stefano Ronca outlines the purpose of the symposium Religions Together for Humanitarian Action (Reaching out to victims of armed conflicts: the special role of faith-based actors)…


Religions Together for Humanitarian Action Symposium

Dr Jemilah Mahmood, Chief of the World Humanitarian Summit Secretariat, addresses the Order of Malta’s symposium ‘Religions Together for Humanitarian Action’ at the UN Geneva. Dr Mahmood is a Malaysian…


Intervention of Franco Frattini at #faith4aid Symposium

Franco Frattini addresses the symposium Religions Together for Humanitarian Action, organised by the Order of Malta at the UN Geneva. Frattini has twice served as Italian Minster for Foreign Affairs…


Religions Together for Humanitarian Action Symposium

Alexander Aleinikoff, Deputy High Commissioner of the UNHCR and expert on immigration policy and human rights, addresses the symposium Religions Together for Humanitarian Action at the UN Geneva.


Dr Jemilah Mahmood is interviewed about #faith4aid

Dr Jemilah Mahmood, Chief of the World Humanitarian Summit Secretariat, is interviewed during the Order of Malta’s Symposium: Religions Together for Humanitarian Action, held at the UN Geneva in the…


Albrecht Boeselager on the intention of the #faith4aid symposium

Albrecht Boeselager explains the intention of the Order of Malta’s symposium Religions Together for Humanitarian Action, held at the UN Geneva in view of the World Humanitarian Summit.