Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta



The 100th anniversary of the Polish Association of the Order of Malta

1920 – 2020: An up to date overview of our activities, prepared to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Polish Association of the Sovereign Order of Malta. 153 members, 1120…


The Order of Malta’s most significant moment of 2020.

The Order of Malta’s most significant moments of 2020, a year hard to forget. The Order of Malta wishes all the world a happy and healthy 2021.


Order of Malta celebrates its founder Fra’ Gerard 900 years after his death

In Scala (SA) the celebrations for the nine centuries since the death of Blessed Gerard, founder and first Grand Master of the Order of Malta (3 September 1120 – 3…


In a video the Order of Malta’s commitment to fight Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic is deeply affecting the work of the Order of Malta: its Grand Priories, Associations and relief corps spread across the world offering sociomedical care have had to…


Lieutenant ad interim to the Order of Malta’s members, doctors and volunteers: Thank you for fighting Covid-19

Dear volunteers of the Order of Malta, I wanted to express my appreciation and that of the Sovereign Council to all the Order’s members, volunteers, doctors and paramedics who, under…


St. Peter’s Basilica: Order of Malta’s Volunteers Administer Health Checks

Volunteers of the Order of Malta’s First-Aid Post are operational at the entrance to St. Peter’s Basilica to ensure the health checks of the faithful


A tribute made by the Order of Malta in memory of Grand Master Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre.

Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto was a man of deep faith and generosity. He had gentle manners and an innate ability to make everyone love him. He…


Ave Maria of Lourdes: in memory of Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto

Ave Maria di Lourdes: In memoriam of Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, who died on April 29 in Rome….


Order of Malta North East Bekaa Mobile Medical Unit – Covid-19 Crisis

The Order of Malta Lebanon is committed to pursue its mission of serving the most vulnerable populations, in any circumstances, including the current Covid-19 crisis. This Mobile Medical Unit was…