Ordre Souverain Militaire et
Hospitalier de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem de
Rhodes et de Malte

Galeries photo et vidéo


Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta

Founded in 1989, the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta (MMSz) has 5000 regular and 15,000 casual volunteers. Led by Padre Imre Kozma, president of the Charity Service…


1113-2013: Celebrations_900 years since the recognition of the Order of Malta by Pope Paschal II

900th anniversary: mass and procession In February 2013 members and volunteers of the Sovereign Order of Malta gathered in Rome to celebrate a significant anniversary. Exactly 900 years have elapsed…


1113-2013: Meetings and Conferences_900 years since the recognition by Pope Paschal II

In February 2013 and during the entire year, the Sovereign Order of Malta is celebrating a significant anniversary. Exactly 900 years have elapsed since Pope Paschal II promulgated the Solemn…


1113-2013: a glance at the 900th anniversary celebrations

900th anniversary: overview of celebrations In February 2013 members and volunteers of the Sovereign Order of Malta gathered in Rome to celebrate a significant anniversary. Exactly 900 years have elapsed…


Chabrouh Camps for the Disabled, Lebanon

An insight into the Lebanese Chabrouh holiday camps for the disabled, supported by the Global Fund for Forgotten People, an international initiative of the Order of Malta.


On the borderline of hope

Medical care for refugees from Myanmar: Learn more about the work of Malteser International at the thai-burmese border.