Souveräner Ritter- und
Hospitalorden vom Hl. Johannes zu
Jerusalem von Rhodos und von Malta


Tomasi named ’special delegate‘ to Order of Malta

Agentur The Tablet
Datum 03/11/2020

After the surprise resignation of Cardinal Angelo Becciu in October, Pope Francis named Cardinal-designate Silvano Tomasi as his special delegate to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The Pope said…

Pope appoints new special delegate to Order of Malta

Agentur Crux
Datum 02/11/2020

After the surprise resignation of Cardinal Angelo Becciu in October, Pope Francis named Cardinal-designate Silvano Tomasi as his special delegate to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. In a letter…

Silvano Tomasi, cardenal electo, nuevo delegado especial para la Orden de Malta

Agentur Vatican News
Datum 02/11/2020

El Papa Francisco nombró ayer al arzobispo Silvano Tomasi, scalabriniano de 80 años y nuncio apostólico, nuevo delegado especial ante la Soberana Orden de Malta. El delegado especial será el…

Papst macht Kardinal Tomasi zu Delegierten für Malteserorden

Agentur Vatican News
Datum 02/11/2020

Papst Franziskus hat den zukünftigen Kardinal Silvano Maria Tomasi zum Sonderdelegierten beim Souveränen Malteserorden ernannt. Tomasi, den der Papst am 28. November zusammen mit weiteren verdienten Kirchenmännern ins Kardinalskollegium aufnimmt,…

Order of Malta to elect new Grand Master amid constitutional clash

Agentur CNA - Catholic News Agency
Datum 27/10/2020

On October 23, CNA interviewed HE Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, Grand Chancellor of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, about the religious order’s international work and ongoing process of constitutional…

The Order of Malta: Serving in a time of crisis

Agentur CNA - Catholic News Agency
Datum 26/10/2020

On October 23, CNA interviewed HE Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, Grand Chancellor of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, about the religious order’s international work and ongoing process of constitutional…

When the plague hit Malta, the Knights made a promise: A Marian miracle followed

Agentur When the plague hit Malta, the Knights made a promise: A Marian miracle followed
Datum 26/10/2020

The Church of Sarria, dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, is located behind the Floriana Parish Church of Saint Publius.  The original church was named in honour of the Knight from…

Il capolavoro di Caravaggio a Malta: la “Decollazione di san Giovanni Battista”

Agentur Finestre sull'Arte
Datum 21/10/2020

È nota a tutti, anche a chi non ha profonde conoscenze di storia dell’arte, per essere l’unica firmata tra le opere note di Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi; Milano, 1571 – Porto…

Rom: Piranesi und der magische Schlüsselloch-Blick

Agentur Süddeutsche Zeitung
Datum 14/10/2020

An jedem beliebigen Tag bildet sich eine Menschenschlange vor einem großen grünen Tor auf dem Aventin, einem der sieben Hügel Roms – obwohl das Tor immer geschlossen bleibt. Die Attraktion…